Client: Fearless Comedy Productions
Goal: Company wanted an updated logo to reflect their new direction of a broader, more inclusive perspective.
Results: Redesigned logo reflects the company’s spirit and energy. Applied across print and social media, it has attracted more sponsors and funding.
Client: Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage
Goals: Legislative review of issues and outreach of the African heritage community.
Results: provided an annual legislative update, focus and programs for the Council.
Client: Dwayne A. Ratleff
Goals: Cover design for author’s self-published book (digital and print)
Results: successfully launched book online
Client: Global Novations, Inc. (Brighton, MA)
Goals: Client needed a bilingual, custom version of Global Novations’ Honoring Differences cards
• Culturally-specific colors in conjunction with Save-A-Lot’s brand
• Enlarged cards accommodated both languages
Client: Twin Cities TOSCA (Edina, MN)
Goals: Publishing local arts magazine
• Partnered with editor in chief and writers
• Arts magazine with articles on local and national artists, arts contributors, classes, events and exhibits.
Results: Quarterly publication (print and digital).
Cover photo: Christopher Lyle
Client: Twin Cities TOSCA (Edina, MN)
Goals: Publishing local arts magazine
• Partnered with editor in chief and writers
• Arts magazine with articles on local and national artists, arts contributors, classes, events and exhibits.
Results: Quarterly publication (print and digital).
Client: Aurora St. Anthony Neighborhood Development Center (ASANDC)
• Promotional signage to advertise community conversations about the impact of light rail on a St. Paul neighborhood
• Signage had to be durable (indoor and outdoor use), mobile, and easy to use
• Created concept and design for two (2) retractable and transportable banners
• Banners used to announce locations and promote community conversations with residents of the former Rondo neighborhood in St. Paul
• Community conversations are ongoing
Client: Seed Academy and Harvest Preparatory School; Minneapolis, MN
• Brochure had to fit in a #10 envelope to reduce cost of postage.
• Needed to be easy to customize for parents, sponsors, and state officials.
• Designed a die-cut pocket brochure for inserting business card and folded
letter-size sheets with information on sponsorship or enrollment
• Reduced printing costs by using cover stock throughout brochure
Client: Beautopia, LLC; International hair care company; Minneapolis, MN
Role: Graphic designer, partnering with creative director.
Goal: Promoting two offerings of smoothing products in a stylized package
Photography: M. Marne Zafar
Client: Global Novations, Inc. (Brighton, MA)
• 3D piece for participants to take back after completing a full-day training program.
• Needed to have enough visible space to include key points from program as reminders.
• By partnering with local print vendor reduced printing costs by 30%
• Easy to customize, became a line extension of existing program, increasing sales and revenue